Your Ultimate Guide on How to Write Awesome Blog Posts That Will Generate Traffic and Leads

Your Ultimate Guide on How to Write Awesome Blog Posts That Will Generate Traffic and Leads

Writing niche blog posts regularly plays a vital role in a successful content marketing strategy. Blogging consistently is key to rank better in search engine results. According to HubSpot, content generators and marketers who blog consistently are more likely by 13 times to get a positive ROI.

Writing a gripping blog post that drives traffic and generates leads in not an easy task. Blogging, as you know, is an inbound marketing strategy that helps in generating qualified leads and increasing traffic to your website. Here are 12 tips that will help you write compelling and shareable blog posts that generate a ton of leads:

Finalize the Topic: Selecting the right topic is integral in creating a niche blog post. A run through of Google Trends and Buzzsumo will help you find popular topics and widely shared content pertaining to a certain topic. It’s better to pick trending topics to get exposure for the blog topic.

Conduct Keyword Research: You can also use Google AdWords Keyword Tool to gather knowledge on specific keywords pertaining to your topic along with their search volume. This tool can help you shortlist your blog topic as well.

Start Strong: Start writing the blog posts with the most important thing you want to share with your readers. It is better to have an abstract of blog, so that your readers will know what the post is about within the first paragraph itself.

Write Quality Content: Have an outline for your blog, it allows you to churn out quality content easily. Having subheads for each paragraph helps you and your readers in identifying the content. Additionally, you can use bullet points to cover the main points of article. Data, statistics, and case studies can be used as aids for explaining.

Write Unique Headlines: Come up with catchy and interesting title and headlines for your blog post. An attractive title gathers interest, and is essential in grabbing the attention of your readers. You can use the tools like Coschedule Headline Analyzer and Power Words to analyze the effectiveness of your headlines and to use trending words in title.

Proofread and Format Your Posts: After you finish writing the blog, proofing and checking for spelling, grammatical and factual errors is necessary. You can use the tools like Hemingway app or Grammarly for editing the content. Formatting the content plays a key role in grabbing user attention. It is also crucial in terms of blog share ability as well. Carefully adjusting line breaks, images, and alignments to suit your buyer persona is recommended. Always preview your content before you publish it to make sure the formatting looks good.

Make Posts Easy to Share: Social sharing is important in getting instant traffic and leads for your blog post, therefore include social sharing buttons on all your blog posts. You can use the social sharing plugins like buffer app to let readers easily share the blogs with their audiences. Always use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+ to share your posts.

Be Timely: Publish your blogs regularly. Timing plays a key role in share ability of the blog. If you blog often the frequency of your readers coming to your website increases drastically. Maintaining a high content standard coupled with a unique content offering will help you in increasing the number of visitors to your website. It also compels your readers to share your blog in their network. Always write about the current events and latest technology to attract readers.

Add Graphics, Photos and Illustrations: Images help in attracting readers and they add a visual appeal to your blog posts. You should use unique, well designed and relevant images in your blog posts to make the it more shareable. It’s better to use consistently positioned and sized images to make your blogs look attractive.

Promote Your Posts the Right Way: You can share and promote your blog posts through updates on your social media profiles and make sure to format those updates with relevant hashtags, and images. You can reach out to people who have shared relevant content of yours and ask them to share if they like your blog. You can use social bookmarking to leverage your blog. Additionally, you can participate in forums and discussions to generate additional traffic and leads. You can also use paid promotions to get the exposure your blog needs. You can run the paid campaigns on major social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Participate in Social Sharing Communities: You can get instant traffic for your blogs if you share it in major social community sites like Reddit, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, Newsvine, etc. Social sharing sites have different rules, formats, and ways of participating and sharing content. You can connect your web profiles with blog content and get referral traffic from this. It’s better to include your blog’s link on your web profile pages like YouTube, Slideshare, Twitter, Facebook, DeviantArt, and Flickr to get visitation and leads.

Email Connections to Promote Your Blog: It’s better to have your email signature to promote the content you share online. You can use the tracking URL to know from where the traffic is generated from email connections.

Author Bio :- 

The post by Veera, SEO Strategist at inbound marketing agency SMarketers. Veera has 6 years of digital marketing experience including SEO, PPC, Web Analytics, and Social Media along with certification in Adwords, Analytics, and Hubspot.

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